Sunday, August 30, 2009


Andrew finishing his Supper of fries and a hamburger

Jonathan's was "turkey Dinner" ...jarred baby food. Both very happy and full. Jonathan was happily babling and talking after
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I'll Stop For a Quick Nibble

It's the only way to slow him down.......
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All of our sunflowers!!!! We didn't plant a one... Last year we went crazy and planted a TON of Sunflowers all over the yard. All from scratch from seeds. Since there were so many sunflowers last year some seeds fell and in the spring there was a patch of sunflowers growing. Dennis moved them around and they did great!! I never thought that we would have so many sunflowers this year as the squirels and birds loved eating them.

Jonathan LOVES being outside and especially with his Daddy!
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Friday, August 28, 2009

My Boys...

How I've missed them while at school and clinical. I'm glad the week is over and can be with them
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I'm Liking This Toy

He gets so involved at looking and playing with the blocks he stands up and forgets that he is not holding onto anything for long periods of time ...should I really be encouraging him to walk early!?!
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I Have Hair

One little tuff stuck up tonight and didn't want to go down till a bath
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Saturday, August 22, 2009


That's him......
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Giving Buttercup Some Love

She was roaming past him as she can't stay away from people and curious little baby wants to check her out. I think he thinks shes a stuffed animal as she falls to the ground and lets him grab her fur and then he buts his head into her body. He does this to his teddy bears and then picks them up. I didn't let him get any farther than this as he's rough
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More Jumping Andrew

more jealous Jonathan
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Making a Bug House

Home Depot had a project to do and he made a Bughouse
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Fun House at Summer in the City

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Andrew's Version of Johnny Jump up

And much more expensive! Jonathan got quite a kick out of watching Andrew jump up and down strapped to this thing. I think he figured out the humor in it as he has a contraption that reminds of this...
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Friday, August 21, 2009

I Couldn't Resist

When Andrew was 6 months we moved from NC to MI and I put him in a drawer to keep him by me as I got the house ready. The drawers were still empty and I had to sort clothes. He couldn't really crawl out or stand up and it was cute. Since Jonathan is at the same age I thought it would be cute to have a picture of him in there too. This one I don't trust in there but he was happy to attack the clothes in there and give them a big hug. They look quite alike. I would have you guess which is which but there's a date on one and it gives it away
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Summer in the City

Water and a Peach!!! He was loving life!!

Andrew too..... See his face is all red and blue from a spiderman popsicle. Okay so he was mad we didn't do therides (too expensive)
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Grandma and Grandpa's house

After a refreshing swim (okay so we were a little jealous of the animals) Grandma tried giving Jonathan a ride on the scooter!! He loved It!!! 6 months going on 6 years!!1
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Not Fair!!

Andrew got a train ride as Jonathan looked on ..maybe next year you can go on! I guess I could have but he didn't care. It not like he would ahve wanted to do anything but wiggle
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The Tropical Rainforest

Dennis joined us

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The Animals!!

It was a good day to see them. Most of the animals that had some water to swim in were enjoying a refreshing swim. Others were watching us
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