So we had Pizza and Cookie Cake to celebrate their birthdays. It really wasn't that much different than most weeks except for the Cookie cake saying Happy BIrthday and they did get presents from Grandma and Grandpa. They have been getting their pick of themeparks in Orlando for the last few years but aren't going this year due to the pandemic. So we will have to do something else.

At home the TOOTH FAIRY had to visit because not only did he JUST turn 5 but LOST his 1st tooth. He did loosen it at the waterpark by bumping it on the table. I thought he would loose it that night but didn't. I feel bad I didn't really prepare him for that... I wasn't ready for him to loose his 1st tooth already. He was upset when it was loose but told him that was normal and he would get new ones in. I showed him a show to see this was normal and he was excited that the tooth fairy was going to come.

Jon and th ecomputer.... its been a week that we have had trouble getting this stupid thing back to working again. The latest problem was I couldn't get into BIOS to get it to boot from the USB to install Windows 10.... Finally I lucked out and found it downloaded Windows and fiddled with it enough that we were back to fine again. He is very happy t obe back gaming and Minecrafting again.