Friday, November 13, 2020

Captains Log: Day 242 Friday the 13th

So I got an email that they wanted to go to closing today and do a walk through in the afternoon.   So I went to the house to get it ready and clean it out....   Finally....Its been a LONG 3 months.

So we did and then went home not before calling the realtor and making sure they didn't need anything from me. 

Later that day I got an email that they weren't doing it then as they didn't have a chance to walk through it . So next week... Sigh... and the saga continues

I've been getting text all day from Jon's school because they need to fill their quota for testing and another positive COVID case is in the school.  This time middle school...

Shutting down again is real.... 

He played outside a little bit and I got some leaves bagged.  Not many but this weekend is suppose to be windy... 
He's pretending to fix his house

 Sleeping with his favorite owl

1918 Spainish flu Chart....Looking like COVID Chart. Can someone please read a history book??? You have the graph in front of you..... Lets not make this a reality again.

Which goes back to a saying I told Andrew that I took away from History class and a quote he used for his Senior quote:  Those that don't learn history are doomed to repeat it...
Luckily our Governor is not interested in going through another mountain and that repeating but you can see thinkgs are going up again. 

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