playing in the snow
Saturday, February 27, 2021
Captains Log: Day 349
playing in the snow
Captains Log: Day 348 Saturday
Friday, February 26, 2021
Captains Log: Day 347
We are inching closer to a year ...3 days and it will be a year for NY getting their first case and 16 days after that the start of the shut down. Even though we are still dealing with it, it really is interesting to look at how far we have come. From when everything shut down, to wearing masks to what we did with our time and slowly everything starting to open...from walking around the outside of the zoo because it was closed, to being able to go in but not inside any of the buildings inside the zoo, to finally back to being able to see everything but with rules. Same with the Science Museum and so forth. How we adapted and worked with what we had available to us.
One day I will miss the clunky hybrid school schedule, the school meals coming home, having that freedom during the middle of the week with him.
As we enter March again and in some ways it feels like we never left it. Everything felt like life stopped righ there.
I'm no longer sad that we can't do the normal activities that I usuallytake them to. That we are still in someways still like last year. In someways its easier. Actually alot easier..
We aren't totally shut and things are opening, we aren't fighting for toilet paper, food and other stuff. We can go to the mall, museums, zoo, etc..
We have a vaccine and the cases are going down...(still different variants around)
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Captains Log: Day 346 Buffalo Habor State Park
Yes its cold, yes they played on the playground and no we were not alone. There were quite a few kids there and why they are wearing masks..

Anyway the reason I wanted to come out here was this last picture. We went over to Galleger Pier and I wanted to get pictures of the sunset by the pier... No filter... or anything. Turned out great. Alex wouldn't go on the pier.
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Captains Log: Day 345
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Captains Log: Day 344 Quiet Tuesday.

So I have tried to find some meme's to go along with everything but turns out with Trump as President it was a gold mine of jokes. Biden is business. There's a few with Cancun Ted but he's not our senator and I feel bad for Texas.
Its inching closer and closer to a year. When I orginally did Captains Log I never though I would be doing this for a year (or more) I didn't think I would be blogging everyday in the past year (i'm this close not stopping now.) I didn't know the history we would face. It was just that I (we) had to face different challenges and alot of them. To think I started it when the schools closed as that was weird enough. The food shortage, Toilet paper shortage. Meat shortage, Then the Civil unrest, As months ticked by the list of crazy stuff grew. Meanwhile we lived....
you learned patience..
you learned what was important.
you learned what liberties are important to you and everybody else.
you learned that people and things you take for granted are not guaranteed
We changed up what we did, we can adapt and still be safe and enjoy ourselves.
Honestly with all the craziness that went on.and having to adapt.... there is a whole bunch I'm glad we did.
Do I miss what use to be normal?? you bet!
Do I care that things are being still cancelled? Some.. but at the same time its now come back around again and can deal better.