Thursday, May 7, 2020

Captains Log: Day 52 Niagara Falls

 Being  that it May there should be more people here but there's not and its just how I like it. Honestly where can you go with better views and nobody around???  We don't care that anything is open. We have done all the pomp and circumstances there. Its just us and nature..... however the squirrels are missing their handouts you can tell.

Somedays I feel like this is like a summer vacation of sorts  and other days the twilight zone. I try to stick with the summer vacation one because its easier. I don't feel like we are changing that much if I see it that way and that its interrupting what I usually do. Anyway... spring is comin along.

I do like to document what is going on here that even though its a nice stroll in the park on a sunny day it is indeed a Thursday  around 1-2pm when they would all have school. That the park has very very few visitors and the signs, parking lot and the empty border.

One day I would like to look back and see these pics to remind me of what it was like to live during a pandemic.  or maybe the kids or even their kids.  Maybe see the that there was some normality in all of this and we still got to experience things but not like usual.  Maybe I will miss getting pics like below enjoying the tulips by the State park because we are doing other thing and don't have time to watch nature spring up.

The empty border....
Even the parking lot they didn't want the cars to be next to each other....

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