Sunday, March 31, 2019

Maple Farm #2 -Wolf Maple Farm

This one we found last year looking for different ones to go to.  They had a playground. Always make Alex happy
 They also have rides out into the woods to see the taps on the maple trees

130 yr old tree that has been tapped over and over. It came down during the Storm at the end of February

Smith Farm's

Some of the reasons we love it... Playing game and the baby animals

 Alex loved the baby chicks!! Not interested in the baby pigs or cow or goat.  But the chicks LOVED

Maple Weekend

I was very happy to see this farm open this year!!! This was the farm we went to last year and were surprised that their barn burnt down the night before and it was opening day of Maple Weekend.   They always do a great job and the kids have a great time here so we are back and so are they.  They had a new barn (its the picture with Sponge bob) and we enjoyed ourselves. 

Family Fun Fridays at the YMCA

So I took Jonathan and Alex to the YMCA on Friday and they were having Superhero's week.  Both went into the Child Watch and I asked Jon if he wanted to do the bounce houses. He told me no he wanted to stay in there more.  Fine.... So this Friday they had ice cream along with the Bounce houses.   Alex LOVED that!!! Jon was mad at me but it was his decision to stay.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Hanging in the Hot Tub

 Grandma and Grandpa were leaving the next morning for a trip to Punta Canta so we visited them before they left at their hotel and enjoyed the hot tub.  (They only had an outdoor pool and its March in Buffalo)