Tuesday, August 31, 2021


Some days you got a ton going on and other days are chore days that you have to get othe stuff done.   Grocery shopping and other errands.   Picture wise they aren't the greatest but here we are with soccer... 


Monday, August 30, 2021

Darien Lake

When its hot and humid and you have passes to Darien Lake....   Lets get wet......

Andrew did come but he doesn't like swimming anymore......


2021 Covid Memes

 Yeah we are still living in COVID/ Plague  times...    Its wearing on all of us.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Outer Harbor and Riverworks

Its been hot but down by the water its not too bad and there's a nice breeze.   The Chalk fest was at Riverworks and we stopped by to see some of it.

 you can see their new ferris wheel in the back ground.  They also have lots of rides and slides


Saturday, August 28, 2021

Saturday Swim day

It was 89 degrees and humid as hell..... so this felt really good.


Friday, August 27, 2021

Van Gogh Exhibit

It was over by the Event center and they were having a Bills party for tomorrows game


Miss Buffalo Cruise

He had an ENT apt and all is good.

Stopped at the Stadium because we are close.

We went on the Miss Buffalo and took a cruise around the water on a nice day.