Friday, October 27, 2017


 Both Alex and Jon have had colds. Jon has an awful cough and Alex has had nasty boogers for awhile.  Alex slept horrible last night.  Cried and tossed and turned all night.    When he woke up this morning he didn't come out with a smile on his face and playing like he normally does.  He lied on the bed and moaned.  I picked him up and held him, he shook and moaned more.  Knew he was sick. He was getting very warm.  He moaned, shook and lied there like a limp noodle half asleep and awake.  In a daze.  His breathing seemed off.  Figured it was a sinus infection going bad.... I do have a pulse ox at home and did it on him and it was reading he was lower than he should be.

The other kids got ready for school and I made an appointment for him to be seen at his pediatrician.   If we couldn't get in soon I was going to take him to an urgent care. I really didn't want to go to Children's Hospital and wait around.  So I got dressed and went to the appointment totally forgetting my cell phone.  I was worried about him.

The doctor checked him out and did a pulse ox too.  It was low like I had gotten so they did a nebulizer treatment and gave him some motrin.   They waited a bit and checked him again.  As we waited I could tell his breathing wasn't right.  He was breathing fast and shallow.  He sounded gunky. His respiratory rate was high.  They got him some oxygen and decided he needed to be seen at Children's Hospital so they called an ambulance.

I called home to tell Dennis but didn't get an answer.  I decided to drive instead of taking the ambulance since I wouldn't have a car and didn't have my phone and would meet  them there.  Poor little guy.  So brave, first ambulance ride, no mommy.  They told me he did well on the ride, held their hand and had another nebulizer treatment on the way to the hospital. 
 I brought his favorite blankie.   He still had a fever even after getting the motrin. He laid there like this.  He's on oxygen through the nebulizer

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