Friday, April 26, 2019

MOST in Syracuse (Museum of Science and Technology)

I thought Alex would love this place but he really didn't.  Some of the air cannons were too loud for his liking and it scared him.  Its mostly dark in there and that scared him and when it got crowded the whole area was more than he could handle.   Not to mention there was some rather nasty kids that parents obviously didn't care about anything.  They picked on Alex and when I had enough I told them to knock it off and then the parents finally showed up and told me that they could only discipline their kids and I asked if they were going to do it?   They didn't as they felt their little snowflakes were in the right to knock down Alex  and tell him he was not allowed in a toddler area and tell him he was nothing but a baby and couldn't play there.  (mind you they were 5-6 years old in a TODDLER area!!!)  Now this is were it gets interesting.  Alex takes no crap and got mad and threw a block... however it hit another child (not the 2 brats).  I took him out and told him it was not alright to throw blocks even if they were being mean to him.  He had a melt down.  Remember he has 2 older brothers that pick on him..... he's not going to take it.  I let the other kids crappy behavior go confronting the parents whom told me that they were paying attention to their little snowflakes and that their little snowflakes wouldn't say such things.  I told them that I didn't see them around and that if they were paying attention that they would KNOW what they were doing. And there you go..... were bullying begins and reinforced....   But hey I don't live in Syracuse and their school system.  Good luck....

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