Friday, October 21, 2016

New Stuff

 Went to Mother Time Market Place and got a few goodies for Alex...... Couldn't resist the hat
I was bad today and he went bootie free.   Don't you know he CAN pull himself up on stuff without those booties.  I have scoured the internet looking for development and clubbed feet and all the other crap this kid has been through..... oh no it doesn't delay walking and all that other stuff.   How can it not??  He was in booties that he couldn't move his feet at all for 3 months and has been casted 3 times.  Even just the booties and not the bar limit his ankle movement and weigh his feet down. Not to mention there's no traction on them. He's getting PT regardless and is still considered in within normal limits but very frustrating. Even more so is looking up all the stuff he had wrong with him.... the low amniotic fluid could have caused more than clubbed feet and the IUGR (inter uterine growth restriction) with the low amniotic fluid...ugh.  Even more so knowing he was under the 3% for weight .I won't even say what that one said.

  At least he wasn't a preemie.... But that's been my issue with him, he wasn't technically a preemie but because he was so small he kind of was. He wouldn't fit in anything because he was the size of a newborn till he was 3 months old. Not the carrier, Not the entertainer, etc... So he's been at a disadvantage. Not to mention he's a very calm little guy.  He's happy to lie on the floor and kick his feet (if they are free) and play with his toys.  He loves to sit in your lap and give hugs. I'm happy as he is easy to watch and doesn't go anywhere but know my other 2 were doing more by now Its hard to see not to mention Jon comes home from his friends whom has a baby 2 months younger and says that baby is crawling..... I don't know if he will crawl. He doesn't seem at all interested in that at all.

I did leave him in a sitting position and got something for Jon in the other room and when I came out he was standing up!
 This is him.. He loves toys he can manipulate.  He loves trying to figure out how it works and how to get it to move.

 I think Jon liked this one as much as Alex.

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