Friday, August 13, 2021

Remembering Andrew's Grandmother

 Today Andrew's Grandmother passed away.   Having a hard time expressing how I feel about this.   She was always there making sure to include us in everything.   She was perfectionist with meals and parties.  Always sweet and kind . She was the anchor in the family. 

Its hard to express what she means to me and the kids.   She drove me crazy in my younger years mostly when Rich was around and when Andrew was young. I guess a little smothering mothering comes into play.   After Rich  passed away I was still very much part of the family. Still invited to every birthday party, family gathering and holiday and made sure I would attend. Even as time went on and things got harder for her to do.    I know it bothered her not to be able to do what she use to but it was seeing her family she enjoyed the most.   Its didn't matter that Alex and Jonathan were not really her grandkids, they were always included too.