Thursday, January 7, 2021

Captains Log: Day 297 Well.....

I feared when they elected a reality star with a personality disorder that well.... things were not going to go well.  I kind of hoped they would but knew if anything came up it was going to be HELL.  I really didn't think plague... but somthing along  like terrorists, war and end with an insurmonable damage done to this country was what I was thinking.. I was hoping it wasn't war. At least we got a fight chance with the plague so we got off ummm lucky there (reminder he's got the nuke codes so yeah). So I was waiting for yesterday to happen. Nobody should be surprised.  I told Andrew today I hope his name goes down with the likes of Hitler and Bendict Arnold with just the mention of the name you know what they stood for.   He said I wasn't being nice.  I guess I'm not hopeful they will do anything to him but his name and what happened yesterday..... to be honest I never thought I would see in this country.  SMH. 

Anyway Jon had a Dentist appointment

And the whole area is excited about the Bills.

So we went to the Bills Stadium to get our minds off of the rest of the stuff going on in America.    This is their 1 st home play off game since 1997. Or at least that's what google says.   Thought it was longer but that is really long enough.  Its one of those moments I want them to remember like the come back game.  Right now for what is going on around it...
1) this is happening during a plague 2) the restrictions we have 
3) the fans that can finally come

So no game in NY has had fans in the stadium for any sport since the plague started in March.  All game have been without fans. We are all required to wear masks when we are near anybody.  ONLY 6,700 fans can come to the game and have to be covid tested before hand and have contact tracers follow up with them.  The fans are season ticket holders and have to pay for the covid test.  

and of course all of this being the first year we get to have a home play off game 

COVID testing site


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